All the activities of the Dematepa group in the Covid-19 context will be listed on this page. Activities both relating to the teleconsultation service and updates regarding the epidemic.
18 families were followed at their home. These are patients with fever and cough, no one has carried out a diagnostic swab because it is practically impossible to do it at home. Callers are often promised execution. However, the promise was never kept. So we diagnosed COVID infection with an epidemiological criterion. During an epidemic or pandemic, in the presence of symptoms, the most probable diagnosis is that of infection with the virus causing the epidemic. Well in our family cases the coronavirus always comes from an initial patient who in three cases was a healthcare worker who works in the hospital. The infection spreads, within a maximum of two days, to cohabitants. Isolating the sick at home and following them with just one daily call; at most twice a day, only in one case did we have a worsening of respiratory distress which required oxygen therapy and cortisone. Prescription filled out by your doctor as we do not have the regional prescription book. We underline here the urgent need to make electronic receipt completely and stably operational. Some of our total 56 patients have improved, a few were already afebrile but are still in home quarantine and will remain so for at least a total of 21 days. The case of one of these families is interesting. Patient 1 is a healthcare worker who works in a hospital and quickly infects her husband and father who live with her. Husband and OSS go to hospital where they do a chest x-ray (positive for interstitial pneumonia) and a swab and are hospitalized. The father who remains at home and does not want to go to hospital is looked after by us and is fine. The fever has stopped. The two hospitalized cohabitants are also well and could have been cared for at their home. What are our conclusions. Coronavirus pneumonia is present in all those who have a rising fever and a cough that precedes the fever. 90% of these people can be followed at home and do not require hospitalization. It must be assisted via televideo consultation otherwise family doctors will fall ill (the city of Bergamo teaches). An important source of contagion, perhaps the largest, are hospitals. The virus has a very high contagiousness but a low unfavorable clinical evolution. You can be looked after from home and remote home care would be the best and would reduce contagiousness in the area. Covid hospitals in an advanced system of local medicine with teleconsultation teams are largely useless if not dangerous. Unfortunately, due to wicked political choices, our system is not an advanced healthcare system in the sense of territorial assistance